Monday, March 20, 2006

DaTong official info

Where is this place? Well, it took us about 6 hours by train to get there. DaTong is due west of Beijing. We are becoming quite the train fans. (having now used them for TWO whole trips!)

Check out this link to find out more about the Hanging Monastery (Xuankong Si).

Please note: when reading text written by Chinese concerning their country, the use of lots of adjectives and overblown statements is a given. For example, while it is pretty amazing to see the hanging monasteries haphazardly sticking to the side of a cliff, the only "unique mechanical theory" we noticed was a lack of certain safety concerns. It still represents an incredible amount of labor and a fair bit of thought, but does it set the engineering standard for constructing buildings on the sides of cliffs? We don't think so.

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