Thursday, August 10, 2006

I must remember... buy a rain coat.
One nice thing - the air does smell better when it’s raining :)
Another neat thing is that once you've crossed a certain wetness threshold, riding your bike through the puddles is really a lot of fun! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Well, looks like Cara is still Cara!

ShamrockJews said...

Who me? Who says?

Anonymous said...

You know, the only time I truly felt inspired to 'go for a run', it was pouring. AWESOME!


Anonymous said...

Yeah you Sweetie! A girlie, girl you aren't (even though I tried!)

Anonymous said...

So many inappropriate comments and so little time. I hate my brain sometimes.

Anonymous said...

And I thought the company's Internet police would have blocked web sites showing wet t-shirt contests.