Thursday, December 28, 2006

Fun with defrosting

There is a time for all things and we recently came to the time for defrosting the freezer. So we emptied it all out and put a towel down on the floor when we noticed how much water was being created by all of the melting ice. Then we walked away because watching a freezer defrost is really just not all that exciting – or so we thought…
When we next looked into the kitchen we discovered that melting ice was in fact fascinating beyond belief even if it required sitting on a really wet towel.

Turns out that the only thing more interesting than watching ice melt is watching a kitty watch the ice melt. Although we didn't use a stop watch, we can tell you that the time she spent watching this process could be measured in hours rather than minutes.


KayBee said...

How funny.

I don't have a picture to share.. but Smokey stares at the closed doors of our refrigerator - we think she is waiting for the sound of the ice from the icemaker to drop.


Anonymous said...

Love the wet feet marks on said towel!! Hilarious! Aren't kittehs fun?