Saturday, December 22, 2007

The furniture has arrived!

A couple of months ago we ordered up some furniture designed by Michael. It was just delivered today and wow are we excited!

Here is the buffet table
and the coffee table with these cool outward-rotating drawers.

This is the kitchen table. They brought the stand in first and then just laid the top.... well.. on top. It is still very stable though. And we tested it out tonight and food stays on it really well.

There are 3 end tables. Here is the one with an aleph (there is also a bet and gimel but they are not featured here.)

And lastly, here is our Active Susan! The furniture store called it a mahjong table, but we like our name much better. It started when we tried to get a lazy-susan for the dining table. And it is also in honor of a good friend of ours who inspired us to get some Chinese art for our home.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing!! It looks even better than I imagined it would.