Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Thirsty? Try some refreshing coconut juice!

This is a popular thing to find at many of the markets – fresh coconuts ready for the drinking.
Unfortunately, what we actually wanted was some shredded unsweetened coconut meat and a cup or two of coconut milk, but since we couldn’t find shredded unsweetened coconut meat we decided to cut some up ourselves. (Warning – This is a long and tedious process and ought to be avoided if at all possible.) And since we were buying the coconuts anyway, we could just get the milk from them... except it turns out that coconut juice and coconut milk are not the same thing. Coconut milk is actually created from shredded coconut meat and you may have noticed us just saying that shredded coconut meat was in rather short supply. Coconut milk, unlike the shredded unsweetened coconut meat, is available at many of the local grocery stores. So now what do we do with all the juice?
Apparently the only thing you can do with coconut juice is drink it. While we understand that some folks really like the stuff, 3 cups of coconut juice is really more than we can handle – and that was just from the first coconut!

In summary - Any exciting recipes that call for coconut juice would be very much appreciated. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

We tried this once, just drinking it right out of the coconut,,um must be an acquired taste,,
however, mix it 1/2 and 1/2 with milk, a bit of sugar and put in some of the coconut meat and it's not so bad,, Mix that with a healthy dose of spiced rum and ice and it's downright yummy

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you can get coconut milk from your fresh coconut by grating and then squeezing it... you'd need something like a potato ricer to do the squeezing though... and ... well... it might not work at all.

I suppose you could just buy it.

You can shred/grate the fresh coconut and then dry it in a very low-temp. oven (around 200 degrees)

You know, if you wanted to.
