Friday, March 16, 2007

Still Traveling

While our Sir Lanka trip is over, we are still not together in Beijing. This is because Cara has taken off for the frozen arctic north known as Winnipeg, Canada were it reached 3°F (-16°C) today and snowed. SNOWED! and just in case you didn't notice, its March outside.

While being separated is not fun (the baby keeps asking where Michael is though it can be hard to hear its little voice from inside the tummy) seeing Cara's extended and immediate family in Canada is loads of fun. Or it was until one cousin asked why there have been pretty much no new blogs since her arrival. So, here is our posting.

Enjoy :)


Anonymous said...

The family must be very excited to see Cara.
Not that the tend to enjoy looking forward to new babies or anything :)
And thanks for the update, Cara's cousin wasn't the only one wondering where you two had jetted off to :)
I get the feeling your child will be well accustomed to travel at a very early age!

Anonymous said...

Your cousin asks smart questions. Especially when she sees your laptop open in her home and store where wireless connections are available.

It was great to see you and the family again - next time bring the hubby. Thanks for help stocking the store! Wish you could stay through Pessach!



Anonymous said...

One of the other cousins would like to let you know that you're in deep doo doo for not showing up at her house. :P

Other than that, it was great seeing you!
