Saturday, December 13, 2008

They were suppose to be sweet

Last weekend it was time to bake some cookies for the holidays. Sheila picked out a sugar cookie that we could decorate to look like snowman heads. We only needed 84 but we ended up going slightly over... maybe by an extra 30 or so....
Luckily, we have managed to eat the leftovers so they are no longer tempting us.

The recipe described happy friendly faces, but something seemed to go horribly wrong on a few of them.
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Anonymous said...

Oh, I need to remember to show Chap your evil grinning snowman. He would love that.

Hope Tovina's pinkeye gets better FAST - we just finished a round of pinkeye here.

Anonymous said...

that cookie's gonna get you

ShamrockJews said...

No need to fear the cookie... I took care of it (mmmmm)

Just watched Dark Knight. Very glad that I ate the cookie before watching that movie.