Monday, January 08, 2007

Oh whatever shall we do?

Its been over a week now, and while some internet connectivity is back (we have email! unreliable email but it is still very very exciting!) this web thing is still pretty slow and unpredictable. The prediction is that it will take at least another two weeks before we are back up to pre-earthquake levels.
We have heard that a new line was already in process of being laid from Verizon but it will probably take at least another few weeks to complete (or another few months or years. If we had internet we could check.) In the mean time we are struggling on with the rest of China in this cold dark age of slow internet.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Verizon is going to be laying a cable, maybe even starting this month.

Another maybe - it might be finished shortly after the time you move on from China.

Love you guys, CSS

Anonymous said...

I had sent you an e-amil, but I think it all got hosed with the earthquake thing, so...
Happy (now belated) Birthday Cara!
Hope it was a wonderful one.
Miss you!