Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Adventures with high chairs and red lentils

As you may have noticed, we have been enjoying feeding Tovina lots of new foods these days. Part of that equation is that she is able to sit in her high chair and, being my daughter, she's got her own style for doing that. Can you spot the slightly non-standard behavior in this picture?
Oh, you didn't quite catch it? Well can you spot it now?
My mom has pointed out that I sat the exact same way on occasion when Tovina's age. And really, these little people are so flexible I'm guessing lots of other ones also sit this way. What was more surprising...
.. apparently feet can also substitute for hands when needed.
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To give you an example of Tovina trying a new food, we proudly present:
Tovina and the (slightly) spiced red lentils!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Sat that way when you were young"? As I recall you sit that way when you drive. And on buses. And probably airplanes.