Monday, August 17, 2009

Enjoying the boardwalk

We had the chance to spend some time at Winnipeg beach (not to be confused with the warm Florida beeches that some of our friends might be thinking of.) After a relaxing dinner we went outside to have a bit of a walk. That was when Tovina met Grace!

After greeting Grace a few (hundred) times, we noticed that a band had started playing across the street and were covering some pretty catchy tunes. So we all joined in. You can see Tovina really getting down with Barb, Zaida, and Baba.

We've got all kinds of video from the event in short bits below. There are also longer versions of most of these broken into parts 1 2 3 4

Hi Grace

Jumping with Grace

Bye Grace

Dancing with Barb

Dancing with Baba and Zaida


Niki said...


Cara Tebo said...

love the kiss- how sweet!