Monday, June 26, 2006

New Fruit

Okay, we are not really sure what this thing is, but we bought one and ate it recently. One of the exciting things about summer time here in China are all the new fruits that are showing up in the store as well as all the familiar fruits that are extremely cheep now. For example, red bell peppers have dropped from 20 kuai/jin (~$2/lb) to 3 kuai/jin (~$0.40/lb)

But back to the fruit at hand, or at least in hand as the case may be.
It sort of tasted like a honeydew and sort of looked like one also, except much smaller of course. We think we let it get a little too ripe as it was kind of tasteless and a little pasty.
Still, it looked interesting so we are glad that we gave it a shot.

It was no mangosteen though. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Isn't a red bell pepper a vegetable?

ShamrockJews said...

um... well yes it is. but see.. uh... a red bell pepper is sweet like a fruit so ... uh...hmm... Oh never mind. I messed up. Please correct the above post to read "..all the familiar fruits and vegetables..." (Silly literate friends actually reading a post. What is the world coming to?)

Anonymous said...

Well, as long as I'm only jumping on the bandwagon and not just being picky...

You mentioned it was "extremely cheep". Is this the kind of fruit sold at Extreme Chicken events? The deep-fry bungee jump comes to mind...

Anonymous said...

ok, so for whatever reason I haven't been able to make your blog work until recently. Which means I've been forced to catch up on all your many activities in the course of a few days. Given the condensed, comprehensive overview, it really seems like the alternate title of this narrative should be "Cara and Michael's Adventures in Food with Occasional Signage."

Michael, I've been friends with Cara since she was a wee lass, back when she subsisted mainly on Orange soda and cake icing. I'm not sure she would have stayed in the same room with a cooked chicken that still had a head. How times change.

- sheila

ShamrockJews said...

When Michael read your comment Sheila, he said something about how my tastes have changed and that I would no longer consume such things. I corrected him. Its not that I would not still eat handfuls of purple icing and wash them down with 64 ozs of orange soda, it is just that now I might mix mangosteens into the icing. (I just don't think iced chicken heads are a good idea.)