Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy bithday Emma

Tovina's cousin Emma had a birthday this weekend. Happy Birthday Emma!

We have learned that having a birthday on Easter really ratchets up the amount of sugar and chocolate that is consumed to an unbelievable, almost mystical level. We also lucked into one of the few days that hasn't included rain. Clearly Emma's importance has been noted by the appropriate authorities. I can only guess that they too appreciate the awe-inspiring level of junk food.*

Emma showed Tovina how to work the swings. This involved some light and easy pushes with gentle rocking

especially good for watching Brendan run around.

Grandpop got into the act while Emma displayed her balancing prowess.
Tovina did try the swing that Emma is on in the picture, but luckily for us, simply moving back and forth was exciting enough and standing on the swing was not necessary. As it is, there was some excitement concerning the slide and climbing up to its exalted location. The swing episode and the egg hunt made for a small break in the swinging...
And then Zaida got roped into doing some more pushing later on.
Clearly, swings are a big hit.

*Healthy food was attempted by Cindy, but it was hard to compete with the overflow of the day. I'm guessing we also did not help matters by showing up with a moving box worth of somewhat less than nutritionally sound offerings - oops.

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